Glassnode UX case study by Mayank Sharma cover image


Making on-chain data simple

I was hired as a Head of Product Design. During my time at Glassnode, I worked on various projects, scaled the design team from just myself to a team of 6 and helped Glassnode pivot from B2C to the B2B market.


Led the establishment of a high-performing design team at Glassnode

Hands-on in visualizing complex on-chain data through various proof of concepts

Designed products and features that had a direct and measurable impact on revenue, volume and reduced churn.

Successfully took Glassnode's blockchain query product from 0 → 1, designing and launching it entirely from scratch.

Conducted extensive research on B2B institutional users, understanding their specific needs, pain points, and preferences.

Design team

Sarra Kaceem, Sr. Product Designer
Malgosia Maslarza, Design System Lead
Luis da Silva, Sr. Product Designer
Melody Kho, Sr. Product Designer
Curran Dwyer
, Sr.Product Designer
Lorie Whitaker, Sr. User Researcher
Ana Jose Villafranca, User Researcher

Design team




Glassnode is a blockchain analytics platform tailored for institutional users, offering insights and data on various cryptocurrencies, with a primary focus on the Bitcoin and Ethereum blockchains

Image of Glassnode charts in Mayank Sharma UX case study. 

Mayank Sharma is a web3 UX designer. Designing applications with Blockchain data.

Also Mayank Sharma design UX/UI for DeFi applications


Establishing the function of design

With no prior framework or product team set, my first task upon joining was to introduce the new design function to the company and set up processes and rituals to enable future designers to succeed efficiently.

To establish the design function, I first conducted a series of conversations with 35+ employees. I asked everyone three questions:

What do you think the purpose of design is?

How have you worked with design in the past?

What should the immediate resposibility of the design team be?

Through these conversations, I identified key themes and needs across the business and team.

Design's role would be to level-up the existing platform, modernise the brand, and to build future-proof systems to enable shipping high-quality designs.

Key projects

I worked on many more projects during my time at Glassnode; if you're interested in hearing about any of them, reach out to me.

Global Search

Image of Glassnode global search feature in Mayank Sharma UX case study. 

Mayank Sharma is a web3 UX designer. Designing applications with Blockchain data.

Also Mayank Sharma design UX/UI for DeFi applications

Improving discoverability through Global search

Business need

Glassnode offered hunders of meterics on thousands of assets and having no way to be able search was causing frustrations amount the users and the time to value was low.


We needed to design a search functionality from the ground up that would enable users to access metrics and dashboards easily and intuitively.

Personal challenge

Conducting user research was challenging since we pivoted to B2B customers it was hard to get them on the call or fill out any survey. We could not rely on the B2C retail customers as those were the personas we no longer targeting.


18% reduction in churn

4% increase in revenue

20% uplift in conversion rates

For confidentiality reasons, I have omitted the actual values for these metrics.

Glassnode Query

Image of Glassnode Query application designed by Mayank Sharma. Its an image for Glassnode Query UX case study. 

Mayank Sharma is a web3 UX designer. Designing applications with Blockchain data.

Also Mayank Sharma design UX/UI for DeFi applications

Designing Glassnode Query for in-depth analytics

Business need

Glassnode wanted to address the growing demand for comprehensive blockchain insights, catering to users who are specifically focused on the Ethereum ecosystem.


Design a solution that identifies suspicious activity to merchants so that they don’t end up losing money from fraudulent purchases.


I led design, and product strategy and collaborated with other key stakeholders at identifying and prioritizing key initiatives.


200+ queries created

12% increase in retention

4% increase in sales

For confidentiality reasons, I have omitted the actual values for these metrics.

Design System

Mayank Sharma is a web3 UX designer. Designing applications with Blockchain data.

Also Mayank Sharma design UX/UI for DeFi applications

Glassnode's design system

Business need

Glassnode had multiple teams working in isolation. Some teams introduced their own components without informing others or documenting them. This led to an inconsistent-looking production application and an inefficient workflow for the design and FE teams.


Create a design system acting as a source of truth for all teams, improving design speed with reusable components, styles, grids, typography, and guidelines.


I worked closely with the frontend team to establish the design system, secured resources for two quarters and personally contributed to many different parts of the system.


75% coverage for the design system

25% Improvement in design consistency

30% time reduction for new features to market

Glassnode Hero image

Glassnode brand refresh

Business need

The brand that felt dated, lacked personality and didn’t reflect the direction the company was heading in. We also needed to include our new product offering on the marketing website.


Seamlessly transition Glassnode's identity from B2C to B2B, ensuring a cohesive and compelling visual language that resonates with our new target audience


I led design on the project, working with Dana, and the marketing and the executive team.


16% increase in new leads

None of this would have been possible without the wonderful, kind and amazing team of designers, engineers, and marketers from sunny Singapore.


Zach Cheng
UX Manager, Shopify

Ben has a rare combination of great design skills and awesome people management skills. During his 3 years with us as a head of design, he significantly leveled up our design capabilities, processes and instilled a culture of cross-functional collaboration, customer focus and can-do spirit.